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Even though life today is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) the world has always been chaotic. People throughout history and around the world have numerous questions to answer, issues to address, and challenges to overcome.


This Navigating the Chaos resource is for anyone trying to translate a personal or professional dream into reality.

The website was launched as a platform promoting self-awareness to encourage self-care and nurture self-love. The Navigate the Chaos blog has been in development for over a decade and consists of a different question and post for every day of the year.

Each blog entry is derived from a combination of backstories of individuals, historical events, and academic research.

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To help individuals increase their self-awareness and engage in the self-care and self-love required to navigate the chaos, the 365 questions and related blog posts the three categories and 12 strategies people have used to answer questions, address issues, and overcome challenges as they translate one dream after another into reality.

The three categories involve leveraging your mind, body, and spirit. Each category has four strategies derived from dozens of tactics explained throughout the 365 daily Navigate the Chaos blog entries.


The four strategies involved with leveraging your mind to navigate the chaos are: commit to lifelong learning, think differently, enhance your decision making, gain perspective. Each link goes to a compilation of the blog posts related to that specific strategy.

Becoming a lifelong learner enables you to maintain a sense of wonder throughout your life, helps you learn, unlearn, and relearn as new knowledge becomes available, and expands your view of the world. The article "Commit to lifelong learning and develop a growth mindset" is free and offers 10 tactics available for anyone dedicated to learning and growing. There is also a free Lifelong Learning Assessment available to see how often you practice each of the 10 tactics.

Thinking differently about life, love, and success offers you the opportunity to evaluate life situations, challenges your own assumptions, and helps you ask the right questions as you navigate the chaos.

Enhancing your decision-making process challenges you to hold two diametrically opposed ideas in your mind simultaneously such as being focused yet flexible about what you want.

Gaining perspective reminds you to focus on the space between stimulus and response so that you give yourself the necessary time, space, and opportunity to respond to life situations with intention throughout the day.


The four strategies involved with leveraging your body to navigate the chaos are: have a bias towards action, take calculated risks, engage in subtle maneuvers, and develop grit. How often have you practiced each one recently?

Having a bias towards action allows you rebound from failure, seize opportunities, and solve problems while putting in the daily grind required to translate one dream after another into reality.

Taking calculated risks involves researching, planning, and assessing in order to travel outside of your comfort zone, exercise rebellion, and walk through the fire of life as you navigate the chaos each day.

Engaging in subtle maneuvers empowers you to have multiple projects in development as most successful people are often working on two, three, or more projects at the same time, often even while working a full-time job.

Developing grit is an absolute necessity since most dreams take years to translate into reality and you need to have the patience, diligence, and endurance to work towards a goal over an extended period of time.


The four strategies involved with leveraging your spirit to navigate the chaos are: create your future self, remain present, move forward by chance, and practice self-care. How often have you practiced each one recently?

Creating your future self offers you a provocative view of three possibilities to consider: the ideal self that you would like to become, that you could become, and that you are afraid of becoming.

Remaining present reminds us to focus on the five regrets of the dying, such as living a life you want and not one others think you should live, so that you can concentrate on the situation and emotion in front of you in any one moment.

Moving forward by chance and serendipity reminds you that life is a windy road and translating one dream after another into reality means moving forward amidst the twists and turns of the path you are traveling.

Practicing self-care prioritizes the necessity of working on yourself as the most important aspect involved with navigating the chaos and demands a lifetime of self-love, self-care, and self-compassion.


To see how frequently you practice each of the 12 strategies, consider taking the brief introductory assessment. The assessment takes approximately five minutes and if you would like, the survey will email your responses so you can track your progress over time.



  • A perfect score is 12 x 5 = 60. No one is perfect.

  • 50 or more – you practiced the 12 strategies quite often. Be sure to maintain that momentum moving forward.

  • 40 to 49 – you practiced some of the 12 strategies frequently and a few others often.

  • 30 to 39 – you practiced a few of the 12 strategies sometimes.

  • 29 or fewer – you practiced the 12 strategies rarely or sometimes.

A few things to remember about the assessment score:

The 12 strategies to navigate the chaos are a practice. These are not referred to as strengths and weaknesses by design. You either practice one of the strategies or you do not. You can always practice one or more of the strategies to help you leverage your mind, body, and spirit to navigate the chaos.

Not all strategies are created equal. Some strategies are good for certain situations. People learn to use specific strategies through experience so do not feel as though you need to have everything figured out the first few times you use a specific strategy.

What works for one person may not necessarily work for someone else. If a specific strategy worked for you and you then tell someone else to use it rest assured their life situation is most likely different from yours so how they use it will probably differ as well.

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